Sales Metrics to live by

Sales Operations
Sales Win Rates
Sales Enablement
June 6, 2024

Understanding and leveraging key performance indicators (KPIs) is crucial for directing your efforts toward more productive outcomes and improving your overall sales performance. These metrics serve as a compass, guiding sales professionals by highlighting their strengths, pinpointing areas that need refinement, and ultimately, paving the way for heightened success.

This guide explores the crucial KPIs that every sales professional should monitor, shining a light on how these metrics can guide you not only to reach but surpass your sales objectives. Join us as we navigate through the essential KPIs that form the foundation of an impactful sales strategy, providing you with the insights needed to boost your sales results.

With so many KPIs to measure, how do you know which ones are important to you? Here are the ones we think matter the most. And yes, depending on what stage your organization is at, they can vary.

Net Pipeline Growth

One can only grow sales with a consistent flow of new revenue opportunities. Think of your sales pipeline as a river; it needs a continuous influx of fresh water (opportunities) to stay vibrant and alive. It's not enough to focus solely on adding new opportunities each week. You must also pay attention to what’s falling out of the pipeline. By focusing on Net Pipeline Growth, you encourage best practices regarding CRM engagement, ensuring a healthy and dynamic flow of potential deals.

Calculation: This can be done weekly or monthly depending on your average sales cycle.

Net New Opportunity Growth

Similar to Net Pipeline Growth, it’s essential to monitor the number of opportunities being added to the CRM. Imagine a garden where new plants (opportunities) need to be planted regularly to ensure a bountiful harvest. A positive Net New Opportunity Growth means new opportunities are continually being added, which could indicate robust prospecting efforts. However, if you have a Negative Net Pipeline Growth despite positive Net New Opportunity Growth, it might suggest your new opportunities aren’t large enough to meet revenue targets or that some deals are closing as won, which is a positive but requires attention to the top of the funnel.

Closed Won Deals

This is the biggie—it tells you all about the cash flow coming in from your sales efforts before taking out the costs. Tracking your sales revenue is like keeping an eye on the score in a game; it helps you understand if you’re winning or need to switch up your strategy.

Conversion Rate

Ever wonder how effective you are at turning prospects into customers? That’s where your conversion rate comes in. It’s like a chef perfecting a recipe; understanding how well you’re doing in convincing people to say “yes” to what you’re selling can make all the difference. Fine-tuning your pitch can significantly impact your conversion rates.

Tip: Track conversions from stage to stage, not just from prospect to pipeline.

Staging and Aging

This is a close cousin to conversion rate tracking. It’s about paying attention to which opportunities are stuck in certain stages. If they are stuck, it’s like having clothes in your closet that you never wear. These opportunities might not be real deals. By paying attention to Staging and Aging, you can have specific conversations with your sales team about what is real pipeline and what’s just clutter.

Average Deal Size

Think quality over quantity. Knowing the average size of the deals you’re closing is like understanding whether you’re fishing for minnows or marlins. Sometimes, going after bigger deals can be a smarter move than trying to close a bunch of smaller ones.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Let’s talk about what it costs to bring a new customer on board. Keeping an eye on this is crucial to ensure you’re not spending more to get a customer than they’re worth in the long run. It’s about finding that sweet spot where acquiring new customers makes good financial sense, much like ensuring you’re not spending more on bait than the fish you catch are worth.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV or LTV)

This metric looks at the big picture of a customer’s value. It’s not just about one sale; it’s about the entire relationship you build with a customer over time. Knowing this helps you decide how much effort and resources to invest in keeping those customers happy, much like a gardener knowing which plants will yield fruit season after season.

Sales Cycle Length

Got a need for speed? Tracking how long it takes to close a deal can tell you a lot about your sales process. A shorter cycle means you’re moving fast and keeping things efficient, while a longer cycle might be a sign to rev up your approach. Think of it as a pit stop in a race—the faster and more efficient it is, the better your chances of winning.

Lead Response Time

Speed is key when it comes to responding to leads. The faster you get back to potential customers, the better your chances of making a sale. It’s like being quick on your feet in a dance; the more responsive you are, the more impressed your partner (potential customer) will be.

Quota Attainment

This one’s a bit of a gut check. It’s about seeing how many of your team members are hitting their sales targets. It’s a great way to celebrate the wins and figure out where you might need a pep talk or a new game plan. It’s like checking the scoreboard during a game to see if you’re on track to win or need to change your strategy.

Sales Velocity

As your organization matures and you have more data, one of the best KPIs is knowing your Sales Velocity. Sales Velocity is a simple calculation that includes the number of opportunities, average deal value, win/conversion rate, and length of the sales cycle. It provides a snapshot of how quickly you’re bringing in revenue.

Example Calculation: For example, let’s say you have 100 opportunities, a $10,000 average deal value, and a 20% win rate with a 30-day sales cycle. Your Sales Velocity is $6,666.66. Now, if you change that to a 40-day sales cycle, your Sales Velocity drops to $5,000. That’s a big deal and can directly affect your ability to hit your revenue targets.

Making KPIs Work for You

So, how do you make these KPIs work to your advantage? Here’s a quick game plan:

  • Keep a Close Eye on the Data: Regular check-ins with your KPIs keep you in the know and ready to pivot as needed. It’s like constantly adjusting your sails to stay on course.
  • Set Goals That Stretch You: Aim for targets that push you to grow but are still within reach. It’s like training for a marathon—you need challenging but attainable milestones.
  • Tie Everything Back to the Big Picture: Your KPIs should help move the needle on your overall business goals. It’s about seeing how each play contributes to the final score in the game.
  • Embrace Tech Tools: Use CRM and analytics tools to make tracking these KPIs a breeze. Think of them as your GPS, guiding you to your destination with precision.

By tuning into these KPIs, you’ll not only get a clearer picture of where you stand but also uncover valuable insights on how to up your sales game. Remember, it’s all about learning, growing, and having a bit of fun along the way. Here’s to crushing those sales targets!

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